The Culture And Health Platform project invites artists to collaborate!

A map of Europe highlighted in red to indicate participating countries, also displaying the names of the project partners alongside their respective country flags.
The Culture And Health Platform project involves partners from 16 European countries. The project will grow with a new partner country each year in 2026-2028.

The Culture and Health Platform project (2024-2028) aims to support European emerging artists who already have some experience working in the arts & health field and who want to develop their work further and join European cooperation. The project is coordinated by Culture Action Europe and involves 16 partners from across Europe. Taikusydän and Turku University of Applied Sciences represent Finland in the project.

The project involves:

  • National, annually organized project calls for artists (more information below):
    The Finnish call opens on February 25, 2025 and ends on March 31, 2025, decisions on selected projects will be made by April 30, 2025.
  • International project calls (more information coming soon)
  • Trainings (more information coming soon).

The project increases the visibility and networking opportunities of artists and raises awareness of the important role of culture and art in promoting health and well-being. The project is co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme.

Finland’s project calls open on 25.2.2025

The Culture And Health Platform project organizes annual national and international project calls for artists working in the field of arts & health. Finland’s national project call opens on 25.2.2025 and closes on 31.3.2025. Decisions on the selected projects and artists will be made by 30.4.2025.

The project call supports 3–4 arts & health projects with amounts ranging from 8,000 to 10,000 euros each. One of the projects will be implemented in the Turku city area, supported by Turku city’s cultural flagship project. Other projects can be implemented anywhere in Finland. Individual artists or artist pairs with some experience working with different communities and an interest in developing their skills in the field of arts & health can apply for project funding.

The aim of the projects is to support the health and well-being of individuals or communities through interprofessional cooperation with the health, social, or education sectors. Participation in the call requires a cooperation commitment from the organization with which the artists will carry out the project. The project can start no earlier than 1.5.2025 and can last until 30.11.2025 at the latest. Participating artists are required to have fluent English skills and an interest in participating in the Culture And Health Platform project activities and international cooperation. NOTE! There may still be minor changes to the schedules. Detailed application instructions and selection criteria will be published on this website before the call opens.

Visit the project’s website.


Co-funded by the European Union -text and EU-logo.

Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Comission. Neither the European Union nor the European Comission can be held responsible for them.


The project partners are:

Taikusydän participates in a new European collaboration: CultureAndHealth Platform supports artists working at the intersection of culture, health, and social sectors

 Taikusydän – Arts & Health Coordination Centre in Finland and its administrator Turku University of Applied Sciences is one of the partner organisations taking part in the new......