Programme: Nordic Arts and Health Conference on 21st May 2019, Malmö, Sweden

On 21st May the Nordic Arts and Health Research Network hosts an Arts & Health conference with focus on Arts & Health practice – bringing together researchers and practitioners. In continuation of the conference, the network invites all Nordic Arts & Health researchers to a networking event on 22nd May 2019.
The events are hosted by the Clinical Research Center, Primary Care, Malmö and organised in collaboration with: Taikusydän (Arts Academy, Turku University of Applied Sciences), Centre for Culture & Health (Aalborg University), Norwegian Centre for Arts and Health (Nord University), Volda University College & Royal College of Music in Stockholm. The events are funded by the Nordic Culture Point.
Registration for the conference and networking event by 29th April, 2019:
(Please note that the places are limited.)
Programme 21st May 2019:
8.00 – 8.45 Registration
8.45 – 9.00 Welcome (Aula)
9.40 – 10.00 Skåne Dance theatre: Dance for Parkinson
10.00 – 10.20 Coffee Break
10.20 – 11.10 Presentations & panel discussion: Practitioners
1. Artist-in-residence
Stefan Klaverdal, Composer, Sound artist
2. Discovering health through singing – from personal experience to clinical practice
Ellinor Ingvar-Henschen, Soprano, Music Therapist, Child- and Youth psychiatric ward in Malmö
3. On changes in expression and activity of the brain during therapeutic art making in a clinical setting
Sara Stayne, Art Therapist, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry In-patient Care, Stockholm
4. Mapping innovative pathways within professional music practices in care and healthcare in Finland
Taru-Anneli Koivisto, Music Therapist, Doctoral Researcher, University of Arts Helsinki & Liisa-Maria Lilja-Viherlampi, Principal Lecturer, Turku University of Applied Sciences
5. Coherence, community and imagination: Sustaining an art therapy group in a Danish health care setting
Nanna Wibholm, Psychologist & Visual Artist, Intercultural Family Counsellor, Gentofte Kommune
11.15 – 12.00 Presentations & panel discussion: Researchers
1. “The happiness with dancing give power to life” – qualitative analysis of Dance for Parkinson with a salutogenic perspective
Kristina Ziegert, Professor, Halmstad University
2. Rehabilitation with cultural activities for participants with chronic pain in need of language interpretation
Monika Löfgren, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer, Karolinska Institutet
3. Creative Recovery Kit
Jack Champ, Researcher, Kingston University
4. The Well-Being of the Musician
Jarmo Perttunen, Physiotherapist, Principal Lecturer, Tampere University of Applied Sciences & Matti Ruippo, Senior Lecturer of Music Technology, Tampere University of Applied Sciences
5. Arts and Existential Health
Max Liljefors, Professor of Art History and Visual Studies, Lund University
12.00- 12.45 Lunch Break
12.45 – 13.30 Breakout sessions 1
Session 1A: Creative skills and coping
1. ART speaks of YOU – using art to connect with personal resources
Gitte Lönstrup Dal Santo, Practitioner
2. Performative Crossover Methods
Aase-Hilde Brekke, Norwegian Resource Centre for Arts and Health
Session 1B: Caregiving and caregivers
1. Music-based caregiving to patients with dementia in nursing homes
Helen Waage, Norwegian Resource Centre for Arts and Health
Katrine Homdru, Norwegian Resource Centre for Arts and Health
2. ’Rethink the involvement of relatives – with visual arts’
Gerda Hempel, Leader of Artbizz
Session 1C: Dance, music and health
1. Dance for Parkinson in relation to Visual Arts
Åsa Åström, Practitioner in Dance for Health and Dance for Parkinson, dance teacher and coordinator for Danshälsa at Balettakademien, Stockholm
Åsa Elowson, Practitioner in Dance for Health and Dance for Parkinson, dance teacher and physiotherapist
2. Cancer and music
Magrethe Langer Bro, Associate professor, pianist, The Danish National Academy of Music
Session 1D: Panel discussion: Cultural Wellbeing as a boundary object
Introduction to the study of boundary objects and boundary work
Norma Daykin, Professor, New Social Research, University of Tampere
Cultural wellbeing with respect to the creation of sensibility in the context of psychiatric healthcare
Heidi Fast, Aalto University
Contradictions and tensions within and around the concept of cultural wellbeing in the light of disability studies
Liisa Jaakonaho, University of the Arts Helsinki
Uses of the concept “cultural wellbeing” in Finnish advocacy, policy and research texts
Anu Laukkanen, University of Turku
Cultural wellbeing in reference to capability theory
Kai Lehikoinen, University of the Arts Helsinki
Framing of well-being and ill-being in healthcare contexts and conceptual scarcity on interpretations of cultural wellbeing in hospital settings
Taru Koivisto, University of the Arts Helsinki
13.40- 14.25 Breakout sessions 2
Session 2A: Block Theatre Performance & Presentation
Block Theatre – Waking up the imagination and rebuilding possibilities
Roosa Halme, Practitioner, Ko-koo-mo
Session 2B: Literature
1. Shared Reading and Pain Rehabilitation
Anders Ohlsson, Professor of Literary studies, Lund University
Thorbjörn Forslid, Professor of Literary studies, Lund University
Session 2C: Theatre and social circus
1. AMAZING – Theatre for patients with psychosis
Emma Lundenmark, Project leader, Fanzingo.
2. Paradoxes of Imprisonment and Potential of Cultural Projects in a closed Environment
Marjukka Colliander, Doctoral student, University of Tampere
Session 2D: Building bridges and collaborations
1. The wellbeing power plant of Eastern Finland (VOIMALA) renewing education and work-life
Eeva Mäkinen, Director of Development, The Well-being Power Plant of Eastern Finland
2. Co-creating knowledge dialogically. Dancing with Parkinson’s: A dialogical/collaborative research project
Maria Bee Christensen-Strynö, Post doc., Roskilde University
Lisbeth Frölunde, Associate professor in Visual Communication, Roskilde University
Louise Phillips, Professor of Communication, Roskilde University
14.25 – 14.40 Coffee Break
14.40 – 15.30 Breakout sessions 3
Session 3A: Researcher and artist collaborations
1. Medical Humanities: Obstacles, opportunities and exchange of collaboration
Georg Drakos, Associate professor &
Åsa Åström, Coordinator for Danshälsa at Balettakademien Stockholm
2. Design participation
Jack Champ, Researcher, Kingston University
Session 3B: Evaluation and arts research pedagogy
1. Strategies for Collaborative Evaluation in Art and Design for Health and Well-being with Older Adults
Leah Burns, Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Aalto University
Masood Masoodian, Associate Professor, Aalto University
2. Introduction to Instruments Resilience Scale RS-14 and Mental Wellbeing Scale (SWEMWBS)
Paula Kangasniemi, Doctoral Student, Aalto University
3. Performative Well-Being: An Evolving Art Research Pedagogy
Alexander Komlosi, Practitioner-Researcher, University of the Arts Helsinki
Session 3C: Sound and sound arts
1. Revealing soundscapes
Ari Koivumäki, Principal Lecturer, Tampere University of Applied Sciences
2. Resonant Communities – On-Site Intersections Between Sound Arts and Mental Health
Eduardo Abrantes, Sound artist, Artistic researcher, Roskilde University
Session 3D: Arts therapy and creative mindfulness
1. Arts therapy – a way to inner change and improved health
Gärd Holmqvist, Researcher
2. Creative mindfulness for health and well-being
Elisabeth Engström, Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Expressive arts therapist
3. Embodied the image and let it transform
Marion Falk, Art therapist
15.40 – 15.55 Arts and health at the WHO Regional Office for Europe: summarizing WHO European Regional Office for Europe’s current engage in exploring the evidence base for how the arts can improve health and wellbeing
Nils Fietje, Research Officer, WHO Regional Office for Europe
15.55 – 16.05 The political perspective: Arts and Health in Primary care
Birte Sandberg, Chairperson Board of Primary Care Region Skåne (member of Centerpartiet/Centre Party)
16.05 – 16.15 Reflections of the day by Nils Fietje and Birte Sandberg
16.15 – 16.30 End of the day – good bye!
Please note, that the programme is still subject to changes.
The programme for the networking event for Arts & Health researchers on 22nd May will be released in early May.
Conference venue
The conference will take place at Clinical Research Center, Region Skåne, Malmö (Jan Waldenströmsgata 35).
There are several hotels within walking distance from the conference venue:
Scandic Malmö City
Scandic S:t Jörgen
Hotel Mortensen
Hotel Garden
For more information, please contact:
Anita Jensen
Arts & Health Strategist, Primary Care, Region Skåne, Sweden
+46 (0)724672893
Liisa Laitinen
Project Planner, Arts Academy, Turku University of Applied Sciences
+358 50 468 7263